A Demise of Dodos
Title: ‘A Demise of Dodos’
Media: My own hand made glass fusions, dichroic glass, Sicis.
Size Unframed: 50 cm x 50 cm /19.5 inches x 19.5 inchesPrice: £1000.00 / $1350.00
Here is the accompanying verse by Brian Sibley:
‘A Demise of Dodos’
The dodo was once a flightless bird,
Alas, it’s now lifeless, too.
Its look was ungainly – well, frankly absurd,
And its days on this earth were too few.
There’s no record of dodo collective nouns –
Being extinct, that should be no surprise –
But to offer a name for those tragic clowns,
I would humbly suggest: ‘a demise’.