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My original mosaics feature Alice and her friend, the Dodo, and others. Inspired by the original drawings for Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass by Sir John Tenniel.
Lady and the Ant
The Year of the Cat
A Herd of Elephants
A Cloud of Bats
The Pangolin
A Restless Rhino
A Scurry of Squirrels
A Somnolent Snake
A Wallowing Hippo
A Gruntled Giraffe
A Cheeky Monkey
A Caravan of Camels
An Elegant Elephant
A Lyin' Lion
A Pandemic Panda
The Last Unicorn
Hodge Hunting
A Romp of Otters
A Prickle of Hedgehogs
A Barrel of Monkeys