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A Knob of Pochards
  • A Knob of Pochards

    Media: My hand-made glass fusions, dichroic glass, Sicis.
    Size:  16 inches x 16 inches / 41 cm x 41 cm


    Here is the accompanying verse by Brian Sibley:

    ‘A Knob of Pochards’

    The Pochard duck is a fine-feathered snob

    And a flock of these birds is known as knob.

    They added the ‘k’ at the front of the word

    For reasons that most would consider absurd:

    Since ‘nob’ is a slang word for folks who are posh

    Used by those who think social position is tosh.

    But maintaining pretence is, frankly, too hard

    For its real name is, simply, the Common Pochard.

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