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A Raft of Penguins
  • A Raft of Penguins

    Title: 'A Raft of Penguins'

    Media: My own hand-made glass fusions, dichroic glass, Sicis.
    Size:  16 inches x 16 inches / 41 cm x 41 cm

    Price: £800.00 / $1080.00



    Here is the accompanying verse by Brian Sibley:

    'A Raft of Penguins'

    In polar climes where the waters freeze

    Rafts of penguins take their ease.

    Under the shimmering Southern Lights,

    They huddle for warmth on chilly nights;

    Shuffling around like ancient waiters

    With the hesitant steps of novice skaters.

    Yet, they seem to enjoy the ice and snow

    And are perfectly happy to go with the floe.

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